Spotia helps you create a beautiful and user-friendly restaurant website that is easily updateable by yourself. Through a simple admin panel where you can login, you can edit all the pages and content of your website.

Each restaurant needs a website to get more customers and audiences, this is where Spotia wants to step in. The visitors of the restaurant website can retrieve lots of information, so they get a much better picture of the restaurant and what it is like. If they are interested they can take several actions which include table booking, order their food online and much more! See below for more information about the benefits!

Restaurant website screenshot

Benefits for a restaurant when using Spotia SiteBuilder

Manage menu

With Spotia you can add all your dishes (that your restaurants serves) on your website. You can easily divide these into different menus, appetizers, entrees, desserts or just by category such as meat, pastas, pizzas, … Per dish or menu you can also add pictures and more info.

Restaurant menu
Restaurant menu
Restaurant reservation
Restaurant reservation

Book Online

Spotia allows your customers to book their place online. This allows the clients of your restaurants to book their table from behinder their computers! The restaurants itself gets a notification (by mail or other desired communication platform) when someone books a table.

Variety of designs

You can choose from numerous designs which will determine how your website will look like. You can always customize the colors of each design, so you can match it to the style that your company or business uses. It’s also easy to place a logo or something similar in the header of your website. All our designs are very modern and built with the latest web techniques.

You can always get a custom design based on your needs, contact us via our contact page or by email.

Restaurant website
Restaurant website

Other advantages

Website statistics

Statistics are tracked on your website and stored in a central place, so you can always look at them. These statistics give you an idea of how many visitors your site has, how they reached your website (which keywords did they use on google?), which pages they view most, and so on. In short, very interesting numbers!

Free domain name (.com/.be/.eu)

Each website needs a domain name. This is the address (url) where your clients can visit your website. If you choose to use Spotia, you don’t have to pay for this domain name, it’s a gift from us! You can choose what the address will be.

Own email addresses

You can easily make your own professional email addresses which you can then use to send and receive email. Once logged in, you will see the option to add a new email address in the settings of your website admin screen. Further details about how you should send and receive emails are also explained over there.

Create multilingual pages

With Spotia you can also display your website in multiple languages. This way, your website visitors can choose in which language they wish to view the site. For you it’s very easy to add a translation for each page.